How to find time and energies to train

I do not have time to train: what can I do?

We all think we are so incredibly busy, as if we were president of a nation. When someone asks us to do an activity out of the ordinary, we often reply something like “Sorry, I have no time, I have a lot of things to do”.

The truth is that in most cases, if with a timer we objectively look at how we truly spend our daily hours: it is easy to see how much we are wasting them.

A few examples of wasted time:

  • Watching our phone
  • Playing videogames
  • Unnecessarily lengthening breaks and intermediate times
  • Dozing in the armchair
  • Trying to please wrong people
  • Hurting ourselves in all possible ways

Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes hereĀ Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course).

Is it truly a leak of time our problem? No.

We all have the same 24 hours per day, the same that had the ancient Shaolin monks (read also Ancient Shaolin monks vs modern ones).

In 90% of the cases, the problem has nothing to do with time, the real obstacle is the leak of energy:

  • It is not true that we have no time to exit for a run
  • It is not true that we have no space in a week to start a training plan

In most cases, the problem is not a lack of energy linked to the body but also (and above all) a lack of mental energies to start.

Let’s recover the example of running, the truth is that:

  • We are not tired enough to start a run (this happens after the practice, not before)
  • We are simply and unconsciously tired by the idea of doing it (cold, heat, fatigue, sweat, the judgment of others, etc.)

We are not able to leave our confort zone.

How to leave the comfort zone: 6 tips

No matter if the goal is starting a 6 Dragons Kung Fu’s path (read How to start practicing from scratch) or another project, following these tips, you will gain the basic amount of mental energies to start to move:

  1. Take control over time
  2. Use motivation
  3. Cure your diet
  4. Drink plenty of water
  5. Start an easy exercise plan doing something you like
  6. Put everything into your training, do not think of anything else

A note by Master Kongling – Learn to organize your time, do not waste even an instant of it. Every minute that you do what you choose to do is a great result (to be proud and satisfied with). Every minute that you are a passive victim of the events (eg. the routine) is a flower lost, a stolen moment from death to life. Are you living or are you already dead? Think about it.

How to put the tips in practice

It is easier than we can imagine:

A note by Master Kongling – Do you really think that those aches, that rapid fatigue, that muscle tension, that sense of heaviness, those small twinges, that feeling of numbness (etc.) are normal, natural and physiological in the human body? No, they are not, they are the direct consequence of a wrong lifestyle.

Why martial arts are the best choice in terms of energy building

It doesn’t matter what the real goal is (working, physical, etc.), the martial arts practice is able to give the mental energies we have talked about better of many other sports because:

  • It has mental and physical aspects
  • It is part of life (not a hobby)
  • It has practical implications (eg. self-defense)

A note by Master Kongling – I know I’m pretty biased but if you’re here, you probably think similarly too. As a child, I always not liked sports (both group and individual): they seemed like a useless waste of time; the only physical activity that stimulated me for its practicality and depth was martial arts.

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Reply in the comments and share your experience:

  • What is the goal you want to reach?

Author: Master Kongling

Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.

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