Trapping: 4 EASY to LEARN Techniques (video)

Trapping: 4 methods to face a punch (from beginner to expert level)

In this video tutorial, we demonstrate, in sequence, 4 examples of trapping methods: from the most simple to the most complex to execute.

In Kung fu (Wing Chun, Jeet Kune Do, 6 Dragons Kung Fu, etc.), “trapping” is a term that indicates:

  • A sequence of movements with the goal, for example, of creating an opening to penetrate a defense
  • The point of connection between being in contact with our opponent and attack / defend

To better understand what we are talking about in the specifics of our style, read Trapping.

The first goal is safety

There are various ways to manage a punch (read How to punch (simple explanation)) but the first focus is and remains always to avoid being hit (read also Personal defense: parry the first attack).

When the attack arrives, if we are not tactically experts, the first task to pay attention to is preserving our safety, so, the first thing we must do is: to exit, to go out of the trajectory.

There are many ways to do it and for this tutorial, we choose a beginner-level option: to go our externally (far from any possible reaction).

A note by Master Kongling – Naturally to go outward is not the only possibility (as for exiting the trajectory is not the only possible option) but to play with more advanced strategies we need before to understand the basics.

The 4 trapping methods to face a straight punch

Trapping method 1 (for beginner practitioners)

The first example of trapping interaction is for beginners because it is safer but if we have advanced skills (read for example The most important skill in combat), it unnecessarily occupies too many limbs.

Substantially we have 3 movements: check, control and hit.

The right punch arrives, we exit (advancing) and:

  1. We “check”, with our right forearm (or our left hand, as in the video), the opponent’s wrist / forearm
  2. We “control” the attack with the other arm (with our left hand if we have started with the right or with our right forearm if we have started with left)
  3. We exploit the opening and the new position reached to counterattack with a punch (with the first arm we have moved)

A note by Master Kongling – For a novice practitioner, it is always better to move first the nearest arm.

Trapping method 2 (for intermediate practitioners)

The second example is a little bit more advanced, it is for intermediate level practitioners because we have 1 movement less: 2 movements.

The right punch arrives, we exit (advancing) and:

  1. We do not check, we skip the first move and we control (normally we the nearest arm)
  2. We hit with a punch (with the other arm)

2 consecutive movements only.

Trapping method 3 (for advanced practitioners)

The third trapping sample is for advanced practitioners: we have only 1 movement with 2 simultaneous actions

The right punch arrives, we exit (advancing) and:

  1. Crossing our arms, we control and hit at the same time

The arms move in only one time.

A note by Master Kongling – Simultaneity is of course not an iron rule that applies even after coming into contact with the opponent, in most cases, the attacking arm continues its run to the target while the other stops.

Trapping method 4 (for expert practitioners)

Sample 4 is for experts only because it requires high-level skills (timing, spatial intelligence, structure, tactile sensitivity, etc.): the 2 arms merge into one.

The right punch arrives, we exit (advancing) and:

  1. Instead of using more movements or more limbs, we use only 1 arm to, at the same time, control and attack

Our single punch deviates (us or our opponent) and attacks.

Which trapping interaction is better to use?

Let’s be clear, even an expert can use the first, the second and the third method:

  • It all depends on the situation, the context of the combat (the scenario’s conformation, the position of the fighters, etc.)
  • We always have to do what it is needed, not what we like
  • We never have to impose our preconceived ideas on the present of the combat

We have to:

  • 50% think about what we want to obtain
  • 50% adapt to what is happening

These 2 parts must become one.

Final notes

A few conclusive thoughts:

  • It must be stressed that these are only examples, this explanation implies some basic notions and many details that we have not mentioned
  • Fighting is not a simple game made of fancy moves; it is not sufficient to position our arms to obtain the result (this way we will be overwhelmed); we need a good structure (rooting, angles, body states, balance, etc.)
  • When a punch arrives, it has a lot of strength and therefore we have to choose if we want to resist it or let it moves us (etc., start reading 6DKF’s interactions: from the strong blow to the light touch)
  • No one can avoid all the possible punches infinitely, in a real combat a lot of attacks arrives at their targets, only in the movies the hero is never being hit (read 4 teachings from the movie Ip Man and Conditioning check for the impact)

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Reply in the comments and share your experience:

  • What is the trapping sample that you prefer?

Author: Master Kongling

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