Martial arts sparring [MINI-GUIDE]

The meaning of sparring fighting in martial arts: a free mini-guide

Sparring is:

  • A friendly type of fight made in a totally safe environment with a training partner (the goal is not to hurt or to win but to improve, together)
  • In pure terms of combat capabilities, the type of training exercise that makes the difference between a low-quality preparation and a good one
  • The key to truly learning to fight (as for Tennis, no one can say to be able to master it if he / she never have been involved in a real match against another player)
  • Not mandatory if we want to study martial arts only for health and wellness
  • Not the only practice that a practitioner has to focus on to learn to fight but certainly the first
  • Not something to start with but something to arrive at
  • Something to do against someone reactive and not cooperative
  • Nothing terrible if done with intelligence, respect and graduality

It is exactly to explain all these points that we have created this mini-guide.

Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes here Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course).

What is sparring and how does it work

How to practice it safely and why:

  1. How to do sparring – What is sparring and how to gradually become able to practice it
  2. 5 effective ways to find a training partner – For serious training it is important to find at least 1-2 sparring partners
  3. Why martial arts do not work: 5 reasons – Without practicing sparring it is impossible to become a real fighter
  4. Learn Kung Fu online: free introductory video course – A video course about safety and how to start training in the right way
  5. Dojo (guan): rules, respect and etiquette – The rules to practice proficiently and without useless risks
  6. Continue…

The preparation for sparring

What we should do and know before practicing sparring:

The types of martial fights

The difference between sparring and the other categories of the martial fight (plus why it all starts from it):

6 Dragons Kung Fu’s sparring types

The subcategories of sparring that we adopt in our school, how they work and what their goal is:

More about sparring

Other articles and tutorials related to this topic:

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In-depth articles


Reply in the comments and share your experience:

  • How often do you spar?

Author: Master Kongling

Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.

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