The 2nd 6 Dragons Kung Fu’s donor: thank you

Thank you

I dedicate this thanking to the second donor of 6 Dragons Kung Fu, he promised to send me his photo, I will add it to this post as a remembering of his help.

Few people have that kind of courage that makes you able to choose the hard way, the one that the others do not understand, the unexplored one, the one which everyone is scared from… those people are pioneers and their results will be their reward.

Thank you so much, J.K. for your contribution!

A place to give support and receive rewards

Patreon is a crowdfunding platform that allows you to support authors, artists or other professionals who create and share valuable information, content or resources (on a monthly base). Depending on the level of support received by each donor (starting for example from 1$ / month), the various authors offer extra content, access to reserved channels, and other kinds of benefits.

Why am I sharing my Kung Fu for free

A lot of masters do not like me because I have the “bad habit” to systematically share things that normally should be “hidden”, heavily paid and / or divided into years and years of watered-down courses.

This does not matter.

I do this because I find it more appropriate to share rather than keep everything secret:

I want Kung Fu to spread and evolve.

My goal is to help those who want to follow a quality martial training but do not have the occasion to regularly follow serious courses (or simply in the area where they live there are none).

I try to accomplish this goal by sharing courses, mini-guides, articles, videos and martial arts lessons on a daily basis.

My supporters (online and offline) are those people who truly love martial arts, who have directly drawn and benefit from what I share. They help me to do this impossible job, and I contribute to their martial growth by researching, creating and systematically sharing everything that can be useful.

What do you earn by helping me?

It depends. If you like what I share and what I do, this is an easy way to tell me “Thanks Master Kongling, I like what you do: keep doing it.”

If then you need me:

  • To answer your specific questions
  • To see and correct your training
  • To choose the right tools, exercises, etc.

This is truly your chance!

How to find out more?

You can simply visit:

Good practice.

Thank you,
Master Kongling

Author: Master Kongling

Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.

How to master 6 Dragons Kung Fu?

Are you searching for:

  • Daily training exercises?
  • Synthetic theory and concepts?
  • A step by step path from white to black belt?
  • A path (clear, consequential and gradual) designed to build real martial skills?
  • A direct contact with Master Kongling?

Go to our Patreon page and choose a training plan: starting from the Practitioner level, you will gain access to all this and much more.

Inside each Premium Lesson, you will receive the same teaching (practices, tips, concepts, small secrets and corrections) reserved to the live students of Master Kongling.

Important - Once a certain number of registrations are reached, no other participants can be accepted. For more information write to: [email protected].

Follow the White-to-Black Belt Course (25$ / month):
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