Martial arts conditioning [MINI-GUIDE]

A free mini-guide about conditioning for combat

Conditioning is at the base of the capability to face any kind of real fighting scenario (as in terms of self-defense, as in terms of sports competitions):

  • It is the connection between the theory and its effective application in the practice
  • It is not only physical (flexibility, muscle memory, etc.) but also mental (instinct, self-control, etc.)
  • Without it, no matter how many years we have been training or how many techniques we know, we are not ready for combat

Note – This article has been asked by one of our Core Course practitioners on Patreon (see how to attend our home study classes here Learn Kung Fu online: a beginner-to-expert course).

On the other hand, excessive zeal in conditioning:

  • Is useless, as long as we have not equalized all the remaining fundamental skills (spatial intelligence, dynamic equilibrium, technique, tactics, etc., read All the skills of 6 Dragons Kung Fu)
  • Is counterproductive if it leads us to limit our physical abilities (e.g. decreasing the mobility of a limb) or worse, if it limits us mentally (eg. forcing us to ignore all the other aspects to seek for an unnecessarily off-scale level of results)

A note by Master Kongling – About the last point: it must be stressed that the endless research of the improvement of a specific skill, only makes sense if the purpose is meditative or if we have reached a satisfying level in all the other fields (no kind of conditioning is a shortcut.).

Everything you should know about conditioning

The basics of our Kung Fu:

Martial arts conditioning mini-guides

In-depth video courses

In-depth articles

A note by Master Kongling – Here you can find our free guides index Free online Kung Fu mini-guides, we update them periodically.

Author: Master Kongling

Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.

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