6 Dragons Kung Fu training sessions’ structure

What is the structure of a perfect training session?

The development of each single Kung Fu skill that makes the perfect practitioner requires, on average, 5 minutes a day. The problem is that the number of the basic, advanced and special capabilities is high and each of them require a constant practice:

  • To be developed (the longest path)
  • To be maintained (Kung Fu de-evolve if it is not fed)
  • To be evolved (there is no limit to improvement)

It is for this reason that we ask our students to dedicate a daily effort of discipline, preparation and concentration (read Practical examples of daily training time subdivision):

  • Each physical (read Combat skills: what we will learn) or mental (read Mind skills: what we will learn) skill has a specific frequence of execution
  • Everything is connected and practically nothing can be left out (the things that once learned have become ours forever are very few and almost always related to the theory)

A note by Master Kongling – The Shaolin monk Shi Yan Lei (read Shi Yan Lei: real master) always says: “Shaolin Martial Arts are like boiling water, if you do not keep the flame high with continued training, your skill turns tepid”. Nothing could be truer. To this I want to add only one thing: if your goal is a 60% quality level, your maximum result will be 60%, if your goal is 100% (or 200%), 60% will be the minimum you can get.

How to plan the perfect training session

6 Dragons Kung Fu’s training sessions apparently have very strict parameters, but without them, the practice risks to become ineffective and dispersive: let’s see the basic ones.

Each daily session (both for beginners both for experts) should always include:

  • The use of a rigid weapon (sticks, swords, knives, etc.)
  • The use of a flexible weapon (multiple section sticks, ropes, chains, etc.)
  • The use of a thrown weapon or training tool (darts, balls, weights, etc.)
  • The development of agility (rebounds against the walls, controlled fallings, acrobatics, etc.).
  • The development of the limbs (legs or arms, in every part, at alternate days)
  • The development of the muscles of the torso (alternate days, abdominal, chest, shoulders, etc.)
  • The development of specific mobility (alternate days, footwork, ground mobility, etc.)
  • The development of instinctive techniques (of defense, attack, and / or counterattack)
  • The development of the pace / rhythm of the fight (on alternate days, fluidity, change of pace, stiffness-softness change, etc.)
  • The development of coordination or balance (alternate days)
  • The development of resistance / breath or pain tolerance (alternate days)
  • The development of Qi (through breathing, meditation, muscle chain, etc.)
  • The development of speed and explosive power (depending on the level of the practitioner)
  • The development of spatial intelligence (alternate days, hearing, touch, orientation, etc.)
  • The development of precision in hitting specific targets (with variations in size, distance, material, movement and method)
  • The development of attention or reflexes (alternate days)
  • Exercises that teach how to surprise the opponents (feints, timing, loading methods, tests, etc.)
  • Exercises in the daytime or at night, indoors or outdoors, in small or large spaces (alternate days)
  • Exercises with throws (using light / heavy dummies, in combination with training partners or individually)
  • Exercises involving specific reactions (counterattacks, dodges, channeling, sequences, etc.)
  • Exercises of simulation (as much as possible similar to practical / real situations like sparring, uncooperative reactions, etc.)
  • Exercises aimed at achieving specific goals (chosen by the practitioner but under the directive of a guided path)
  • Exercises with blows taken to sign (if possible according to the level of the practitioner)
  • Exercises with special equipment (grappling dummies, obstacles, poles, etc.)
  • Conditioning exercises (flexibility, impact resistance, etc., alternate days)
  • Exercises of self-control / discipline (exercise with handicaps, distractions, etc.)
  • Simulated sessions of invisibility / deception (once every 1-2 weeks and if the environment allows it)
  • Exercises that require to throw punches and kicks (individually or in combination)
  • Exercises that require to deal with real blows (at full power or high speed, alternate days)
  • Cardio exercises (especially those that involve running or jumping, alternate days)
  • Exercises that involve at least 2 of the fundamental technical exercises of 6DKF (read /// Subscribe (it's free!) or Login to see this content ///, alternate days)
  • Exercises involving squats or push-ups (alternate days)
  • Exercises with different pace (to be performed extremely slowly and other extremely quickly)
  • Recovering exercises (after the practice, especially if the effort substained is big)
  • Learning through passive observation (of partners, instructors, other masters, etc.)
  • Learning of psychological techniques (for recognition of body language, deception, personal development, etc., alternate days)

Final notes

A few but important conclusive tips and thoughts:

  • This setting could appar dispersive but if on one side is true that each practitioner can reach the excellence only in a few martial skills, it is equally true that the development of  multiple skills helps and favors the building of all the connected ones (read also Same exercises, different execution)
  • Each exercise can last a minimum of 1 minute, to a maximum of 2 hours but generally, the times should oscillate between 5 and 10 minutes
  • It is not a question of doing an exercise for each single parameter but of planning to implement those who cover as many requirements as possible
  • The observance of this references can be done with a “certain flexibility” but if we give too much to the comfortable choices (to do only what we like, what we can easily do, what costs little effort, etc.) our training will slowly become a waste of time
  • Let’s do not become obsessive, the planning of our martial workout should not exceed 2-5 minutes (better a less precise workout than a missed one)

A note by Master Kongling – This article is a fundamental part of our school and should be taken as a point of reference for each training session of 6 Dragons Kung Fu of our life. This will make the difference.

In the next article of this series, we will deepen the frequency aspect of each category of practice.

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  • In your opinion, what do you think it is most important to focus on?

Author: Master Kongling

Founder of 6 Dragons Kung Fu.

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